Dec 22, 2009

24FPS in 2010

As 24FPS enters its second full year I've got plenty of plans to keep things entertaining and interesting around here. I'm already drafting plans for new Hall of Fame and Complete... articles.

The first of these will be a Complete Indiana Jones and a Hall of Fame on Dutch director Paul Verhoeven, in January and February respectively.

I've also got plans for a new feature (which doesn't have a name yet, so suggestions are welcome), but I need your help to make it work. The idea is simply this: send me a list of about 10 of your favourite films (a nice variety of genres would be useful) along with a few other details on your taste in movies and I will, within a week, have a list of five to ten recommendations for you, movies you may not have seen, but which I reckon you'll enjoy. Yep, personalised reommendations, it's all part of the service here at 24FPS (or, it will be, assuming any of you three reading this take me up on it).

Email your requests to:

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