This week, in conjunction with my regular Why Haven’t You Seen…? feature, I thought I’d give you a chance to actually see some movies. By sending the (correct) answer to the question below to competiions@multimediamouth.com you can win a prize pack of four DVDs, one of which has previously featured on WHYS? and the others all films that fit the criteria, and may well feature in the future.
The prize pack consists of DVD copies of Sidney Lumet’s last film; Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead, Oscar nominated Greek drama Dogtooth, and modern French horror classics Switchblade Romance [a.k.a: Haute Tension] and Martyrs.
To enter, simply answer this question: The director of Dogtooth acts in this week’s WHYS subject, Attenberg. What is his name?
Terms and Conditions
1 - Only one entry per person
2 - Sending an e-mail is not proof that we have received your entry.
No responsibility can be accepted for entries that are lost or delayed,
or which are not received for any reason.
3 - Winners are chosen at the discretion of the judges.
4 - No part of a prize is exchangeable for cash or any other prize
5 - Winners will be contacted via the email address the entry was sent from.
6 - Incorrectly completed, abusive or coarse entries will be disqualified.
7 - MultiMediaMouth will endeavour to send prizes within a month
of the competition end date but cannot guarantee this delivery time.
8 - Your contact information will be kept safe and not passed on to any
third parties.
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