This week, with Michel Gondry's THE GREEN HORNET hitting cinemas, fellow MMM contributor Michael Ewins and I have both turned our attention to superhero movies. In this week's Why Haven't You Seen...? I take a look at the criminally underrated 1991 flop ROCKETEER. You can read that article HERE, or you can click HERE to see the WHYS...? archive.
Be sure to check MMM again on Friday for Mike's superhero Shortlist feature.
I love - and I mean LOVE - that Rocketeer poster. A startling riff on Heinz Schulz-Neudamm's Art Deco design for Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis' poster, it somehow blends 30s/40s serials and German Expressionism into one unforgettable image. Genius, and a great addition to the WHYS...? archive. Really underrated flick, I love Dalton's performance. Great to find out somebody likes it as much as I do!